Our Privacy Policy

This page contains our privacy policy.

We regard privacy highly. As we are helping teams to improve their ways of working, we require complete honesty and openness. That is how issues will surface, and real improvement can be made.

This also means we are dealing with the most sensitive information. Individuals are sharing their thoughts, frustrations, anger, happiness and joy through our tools. We value this, and are committed to the highest level to deal with this information in the most appropriate way.

Below we outline our Privacy Policy and data collection and handling practices. If you have any questions regarding the below, or if you have any suggestions how we can make this easier to understand, please do reach out. We would love to hear from you on privacy@trustxp.com

The website vs. the tools

To clarify our data collection and privacy practices, we will make a distinction between our website, TrustXP.com, and our trust measuring tools.

On our website, TrustXP.com, we collect generic data from our visitors. 

We use one tool that collects data from anyone visiting TrustXP.com: Google Analytics. This tool helps us to get an impression of how visitors interact with our website, so that we can improve our services. We won’t see any specific information regarding individual website visitors.

You have the option to reach out to us via our contact form. Whenever you use this contact form, the information will be send to our email box on team@trustxp.com, where it will be stored.

We use Zoho as a Customer Relationship Management tool. When you have expressed interest in our tool, and have indicated that you want a chat with us, your information (name, company, email address, and telephone number) might be stored here.

If you have any questions regarding this information, or would like to have your information removed, please let us know on privacy@trustxp.com.

With our tools we process personal data. Here individuals are able to log in, for which we register login information, such as usernames, email addresses an passwords, as well as information on individual sessions, so that an individual would be able to interrupt a session, and finish it at a later stage.

We secure the information shared with TrustXP in the best way we can. 

Also, we don’t provide the individual results from our surveys information with any organisation. It might happen, however, that an individual can be identified through their answers in surveys. We encourage anyone completing surveys to be cautious when completing explanation boxes, if you don’t want to be identified.

This page will regularly be updated when there is a need. Keep an eye on it, or reach out to privacy@trustxp.com if you want to learn more.

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About TrustXP

  • We're proud to be helping organisations measure and build trust
  • To educate leaders and managers who are building trusted workplaces
  • To assist businesses to flourish on financial and personal levels

TrustXP is built by a remote team


Don't hesitate to contact us:

Mail: team@trustxp.com
Telephone: +353 (86) 418 2992

Copyright © TrustXP 2020. All rights reserved.